Monday, November 28, 2011

NaNoWriMo: One of my Best Failures Yet

Well, folks, it's November 28th, time for a status update. If you are one of those root-for-the-underdog, "maybe she'll pull it out of the fire at the last minute and surprise us" kind of readers, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I think it's highly unlikely I will write 32,940 words in the next 59 hours to complete NaNoWriMo. In fact, I took the last five days off from writing altogether, so that my official word count chart looks like a sad little plateau in the shadow of Goal Mountain.

And I couldn't be happier.

Why? First, the reason I quit writing this week was to give my family my undivided attention over the Thanksgiving holiday. Following a lovely meal with extended family and some midnight Black Friday shopping with my best friend, we had the most relaxing three days we've experienced in a looooong time. I think everyone in our house felt rejuvenated and more connected as we returned to work/preschool/play-mat today. And it was desperately needed. Even if I'd been giving up $32,000 instead of 32,000 words, that would've been worth it.

Second, it turns out that failing at NaNoWriMo was a huge success. As I described in my previous posts about this challenge, sometimes it takes insane ambition to force us to put in the time on something we love. Otherwise, there are too many excuses, too many alternatives, too many more sensible choices available. So even though I knew it was a goal I'd be unlikely to achieve this year, I started out the month with gusto anyway. And it worked.

I made time to dive back into writing by getting started on REGRETS ONLY, the sequel to THE MARRIAGE PACT, and things really started to flow. I got several great chapters underway and learned a little more about Suzanne (Marci's best friend in TMP, the main character of REGRETS). I'm looking forward to seeing how her story will continue to develop.... eventually.

In the meantime, however, the 'flow' has not restricted itself to the novel that I set out to write. In fact, as I plowed along, my conversation with Suzanne was interrupted several times by ideas for other projects, and other characters demanding that their stories be heard. One character in particular, a spunky young woman named Dina (whom you'll hear more about soon), just wouldn't let up. I don't know if Dina realizes that it's rude to interrupt a writer at work, but to be fair, she has an amazing story that I think you'll be clamoring for when it's written.

So, Suzanne, like any well-bred Southern belle would do, is stepping aside. Temporarily. Her story will be written in its time (and I have a feeling she'll get revenge for the interruption when it does). But for now, I'm going to follow the flow and Dina. I can tell by her crazy tattoos and bad attitude that it's going to be an interesting journey. So stay tuned. More fruits of my failure coming soon!


writingfeemail said...

Priorities met, it sounds like. I've surpassed the goal, though friends may no longer be speaking to me. Have taken time out for family over the holiday as well and am thinking a lot of editing must be done, but am insanely proud of the effort that I have sustained. Congrats on the work you do have. It is probably in much better shape than the mountains of words that must now be whipped into obedience.

Unknown said...

Just saw this comment, @writingfeemail (my notifications are obviously not set up correctly). Congrats to you on meeting the goal! Go whip that mountain into shape!